Sunday, July 17, 2005

Morning prayer

Over there on the side bar I have added links to the CofE's orders of Morning prayer, evening prayer and night prayer
I know that for many of you the idea of liturgy is a major turn off, but I have come to really appreciate these patterns of worship. The great strength of liturgy is its greater perspective of God; it is beyond our own often limited thinking. I find prayer so often dominted by whatever is going round my brain at the time, I obsess on my own stuff when I know I should be worshipping, interceding and so on.
The depth and beauty of the language, the rich biblical and historical tradition lift me beyond myself and give me the peace that comes from seeing God as he really is, and seeing my small but significant place in his creation.
Practically I find it best to actually speak out the words and the readings, and in the pray for maybe three specific things in the part set aside for intercession. The links update each day, so you always get the set readings for that day. Sometimes there is a prayer by Saint somebody or other that confuses me, but other than that it is really good. Reading chunks of the Old testament systematically is really good too. I tend to only do one of these a day, whichever is appropriate. Try it - you may hate it, or it may really work for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi mark fletcher I’ve been looking for Spirituality related blogs and I came across yours on Morning prayer during my trawl, so I thought it would be polite to let you know about my visit. You are most welcome to come and visit me at Spirituality. I would also be happy to trade links with you if you are interested. Bye for now and have a nice day! Brother Roy.