Friday, March 16, 2007

Old Paths - Martin Luther

More has been written on Martin Luther than any other figure in Church History. He stands between the medieval and modern worlds, and on one of the great faultlines of Christianity, and his thinking defines protestant theology to this day.
Lots of good online media on the subject. Melvin Bragg on Radio 4's 'In our time' discussing Luther at the Diet of Worms. There is the webpage of a US TV series on Luther with a dramatic introduction to the man and some interviews with people including Alistar McGrath. An interesting listen is David Starkey's abject attempt to suggest that Luther killed christianity which is shot down by his own witnesses.


Anonymous said...

"More has been written on Martin Luther than any other figure in Church History"

You need to support this preposterous claim with fact. Luther has certainly been written about but that's a far cry from your claim.

Mark Fletcher said...

Gosh. Apologies for my preposterous claim. Just repeating what I have read in books.
For example the European Reformations by Carter Lindberg p14

Alternatively A Statement from former Lutheran Church President A.L. Barry 1995
"There have been more books written about Martin Luther than any other figure in history, except our Lord Jesus Christ."