Thursday, September 08, 2005

Getting out there

'Start with Church and the mission will probably get lost. Start with mission and it is likely that the church will be found'
Mission shaped Church 2004

The subtext to our attempts to do real world theology this term is the conviction that we are to be an urban church, engaged with the lives and ideas that form our city. John Stott said many years ago that the work of proclaiming the Gospel required dual listening; listening to God, and listening to Culture. We intend to prioritise that this term and beyond.

One of the ways that will happen is through homegroups, where we are combining a series on the early church discovering its mission, with some recommended reading.

Below are links to some of the books we are suggesting. Have a flick through and choose one that appeals. If you have already read one of these perhaps try something else. Any other suggestions of good books?

Out of the Saltshaker A thoughtful and at the time groundbreaking approach to relational evangelism. The Shaping of things to come; fascinating and sometime uncomfortable work on church and mission. Emerging Evangelism John Finney's excellent book on theory and practice for 21st Century mission. Know and tell the Gospel. Australian John Chapman on good form with a clear and simple approach to telling the Gospel

1 comment:

Mark Fletcher said...

So how are the books going? I know the Creative Comms homegroup are all reading 'Emerging Evangelism'. I am still reading 'The shaping...' which is good but not always comfortable. What are you reading, how are you finding it?