Thursday, October 27, 2005

Only 5,028,672 seconds till Christmas!

It is late october - so it must be time for the Christmas lights on Oxford street to go up! Count down the seconds to Christmas with this site!
Anyway - we want your creative ideas for Christmas this year. Here is what we have already...
1) Carol concerts - Two again? 11th and the 18th are planned.
2) Christmas Film nights. I have two great films in mind - Tim Burtons 'a nightmare before Christmas' and Frank Capra's 'Its a wonderful life'.
3) Little ark Christmas service - morning of the 11th.
4) Carols in the N1 Centre 10th December 12pm - we need to provide musicians and PA.
What other ideas do you have?


Jeremy said...

the best christmas thing I've seen a church do was a free present wrapping service in a shopping centre. If we were to do it we'd set up a gazebo and some tables in the N1 centre, and serve people hot chocolate and chat to them while we wrap their presents.

While I'm here, another plug for work stuff. We've got a load of ideas here, and posters and graphics and stuff.
(Click on the 'Christmas: the unfolding story' link in the top right corner too - that's last year's stuff, which was a little more quirky.)

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd like to create a bit more space for prayer leading up to Christmas. It's a time when I find it really hard to have space and time - with shopping, parties, general craziness kicking in. And yet a time when I feel that preparation and reflection on Jesus' birth is really important. I think it would be really great to do something corporately - can we have a "haven" - prayer room or something as a haven from the N1 centre madness? What are the logistics of this.

And I think present wrapping would be great. My Alpha antennae perked up at that one.....but maybe we want to make it a "no-sale" act of service?

Mark Fletcher said...

Oh dear - it is now only 3,113,879 seconds...
Looks like we are up and running with present wrapping Jeremy - at the same time as the Carol concert in the N1 Centre. We have two different themed Carol concerts planned - a traditional one and a creative one - start praying about inviting your friends.

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.